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Spring Wish List | Plus size Fashion and Beauty

Hello Again,

It's that time of year again where there's daffodils everywhere and a little glimmer of sun (that's the big bright thing in the sky that is very rarely seen in Scotland) so it's time to banish those jeans and all the layers and start wearing lighter clothes - but remember a jacket and possibly a scarf and gloves because let's not forget that it's the UK! There's also so many bright lipsticks and eyeshadows that are gracing the shops so I thought I'd put together a little Spring Wish list (you know just in case I win the lottery or Sam wants to treat me *cough cough cheekathon*).

I love this cut out white shirt from River Island's new plus size range, the cut outs really give it that feminine look. This style of skirt has been around for a while now but I think it's at the time of year that I could wear it without catching a cold. This one is from New Look's plus size range and I love the button detailing down the front.

I used to be handbag obsessed then my handbag changed to a nappy bag (C'est la vie) but now that April is getting bigger I can love handbags again and they don't need to be massive so I would love this light purple satchel from River Island and I think the gold detailing finishes the look. I haven't been able to wear heels for a long time now, the talent kind of got lost, so I live in flats. I really like my converse so this look-a-like pair from New Look would do the trick for me.

Now onto the makeup! There's been so many new releases recently that everyone is raving about and the Lancome Juicy Shaker is one of the main contenders. I'd love to get this in the shade wonder melon which is a really nice pink, I do think the packaging and the way you apply it is a novelty but hey, I love it! Look at this palette from Makeup Revolution - it's the Fortune Favours the Brave and the colours in this are beautiful. Makeup Revolution products are super affordable and their recent palettes have been very pigmented. I'm intrigued by the marble effect shadows in this too - they look so high end. 

As you may know already, I'm a massive MAC fan and I want to add to my lipstick collection so I think I might add this one which is a satin lipstick in the shade Twig. Again it's that really nice pink (your lips but better kind of shade) that is totes appropriate for spring! Last up is the product that I want the most and it's the Cheekathon palette from Benefit! It has Rockateur, Dallas, Hoola, Corilista and Dandelion in it so all of them for £44.50 is an absolute bargain!!

So that is everything on my Spring Wish list! Have you tried any of these? Let me know!

Union Square Supper Safari

Hello Again!

One week ago I was invited by McFrank PR to attend a Blogger Supper Safari at Union Square in Aberdeen. It was a night of different courses in different restaurants and I was sold!

If you're not from Aberdeen, Union Square is a shopping centre located in the centre of Aberdeen at it opened back in 2009. It is full of shops and restaurants and is really the hub of shopping. Our Supper Safari started at Las Iguanas for cocktails, Yo! Sushi for starters, main courses at Bryon Hamburgers and then desert at Carluccios! Throw in some lovely bloggers and the night was complete!

I honestly had such a great night at all of the Restaurants and it was great getting to know all the bloggers a little bit better! Thank you to McFrank PR for inviting me along, Union Square and all the restaurants for having us!

Cocktail Masterclass and bloggers lunch at Revolution Aberdeen

Hello again,

This post is a little late going up but better late than never, a few weekends ago I was invited along to experience a Cocktail Masterclass and sample the new food menu at one of Aberdeen's coolest bar and restaurant, Revolution. I used to spend many a Friday and Saturday night in Revolution working through their shot menu (ah the good old days) but I haven't been there in so long so I was really looking forward to going along and giving it a try, so have a look and see how I got on.

We were all around the upstairs bar and we were given he cocktail menu to choose a cocktail to make and there were so many choices - everything from gin and juice, pin colada's to pornstar martinis! As I have a sweet tooth I was stuck between a cherry woo woo which is topped with strawberry laces and a bubblegum daiquiri but in the end the bubblegum daiquiri won! 

I was the first person to go up and make my cocktail and our barman took me through all the steps of making my daiquiri and it was really fun! I found out that the measures are really important but I think I may have went a little overboard in some of mine - but oh well the more the merrier (and merry I was).

After the measuring and the blitzing my cocktail was complete and it was even topped off with some flying saucers - it tasted great!

Here are a few cocktails the others made.

After everyone had made their cocktail of choice we moved downstairs to the beautiful terrace, they've recently had a refurb and it's all decorated as a garden, it'll be the ideal spot in Aberdeen to go in the summer! 

Then the feast happened, tray after tray after tray of food came out and it was amazing! There was a selection of burgers including cheeseburgers, blackened chicken which was my favourite but there was one that got everyone talking and that was the smokin' bacon burgers which was a beef burger topped with smoke cheddar, chorizo ketchup, smokinaise onion rings and wotsits - yes wotsits, the crisps - strangely enough they were so tasty!

A few other things that I tried were their fish finger sandwiches (a classic but a goodie), the chicken goujons, sweet potato fries and their stone baked pizzas which are so damn good!

Revolution used to be the place I would go for a great night out (you should really try their shots) and now it's one of my favourites places to go for a meal! So if you're looking for somewhere in Aberdeen to go for a drink and/or some food you should head straight there, great music (sometimes live) great drinks, great food and great staff.

sources: the images of myself making my cocktail were taken by

Happy Easter Everyone | Easy Easter Treat Recipes

Hello and Happy Easter!!

This is just a little bonus post as it's Easter Sunday, now I don't necessarily celebrate Easter in the religious way but we do celebrate it in our own way! Each year we go on egg hunts and this year I did a little baking that I thought I would share. 

I'm just going to put this out there, I am NOT the best baker at all - But these two recipes are super super easy!

I hope that you all have a lovely Easter Sunday however you celebrate and whatever you!

Now for this little Malteser Easter Traybake, I want to credit I didn't follow her recipe but I did see her tweet with her traybake and I wanted to make it, so thank you!

Happy Easter!!

Interview a blogger, Dinner Stories | Blog Series

Hello Again!!

Today's blogger for my 'Interview a Blogger' series is Christy from Dinner Stories, now I actually know Christy because she's a blogger in Aberdeen where I live!! Let's get to know her a little better.

1. Tell us something about yourself and your blog?

I'm Christy and I live in a little town in the north east of Scotland! I started out blogging about fashion but as my interests have changed, it's naturally progressed into more of a food and fitness based lifestyle blog.

2. How did you get into blogging? Did someone else inspire you?

I followed lots of blogs for a while and then one day just decided I'd have a go at it myself - if these girls can do it why can't I?

3. What does blogging mean to you and why?

I still consider it a hobby - something I do in my spare time when I'm feeling inspired or excited about something. Its a good way to vent about things and just generally get your thoughts and feelings out there. It's also a great way of documenting life - from the big exciting adventures to the smaller things that you sometimes forget to stop and appreciate. My own little online diary I suppose.

4. I personally have almost stopped blogging so, What keeps you motivated?

I go through periods of being really into it and having lots to write about, to feeling totally uninspired and thinking the whole thing is stupid! Then I eat something awesome and can't wait to share it again!! haha. It helps that Aberdeen has had a bit more of a blogger buzz lately so there's been lots to write about :)

5. Name some (one,two or three) of your favourite bloggers and tell us why they’re your favourite?

Natbee's - Anastasia was one of the first Aberdeen bloggers I really clicked with. I love reading all about her adventures on her travel posts.
Cake Vs Scales - Lots of health and fitness. Her recent "Confessions of a yo-yo dieter" post struck a chord.
Pretty Hungry - Bianca gets just as excited about food as I do!!

6. What do you do when you’re not blogging?

You'll probably find me in the squat rack at the gym!

7. What are you most proud of when it comes to your blog?

Probably the opportunities it's given me and the people I've met through it - like yourself!

8. Everyone has a favourite and a least favourite post, what are yours?

This is a hard one!! I dislike blogging "how to's" because I feel like there is no right or wrong way of blogging! I love a good foodie post so any recipes or restaurant reviews. 

9. As I’m mainly a beauty blogger I feel like I have to ask at least one beauty question so: If you could only use one kind of beauty product what would it be and why?

I hardly wear make-up or anything through the week so I'm going to be really boring and say dry shampoo. It's a lifesaver for fixing my hair between work and the gym! 

10. What would you say to someone who aspires to become a blogger?

In the words of Nike - Just do it! Write what comes naturally, about anything you're passionate about and don't take it too seriously! | Christy's Twitter | Christy's Instagram

A massive thank you to Christy for taking part!!

Come back next Saturday to see who the next blogger is.

My Beauty Bucket List! | In Collab with Montse from Beauteur!

Hello Again!!

Today's post is a collab with the beautiful Montse from Beauteur! She lives in Wales (is anyone else obsessed with the welsh accent?!?) but she is originally from Barcelona - she calls it Spelsh - I think that's hilarious! She's 28 and married, not much of a lover of tea - which I'm not either and apparently being a blogger and not being obsessed with tea is a big deal so I'm glad I'm not the only one! The one thing that I can't understand is the fact that she's not a chocolate lover - say what?!? But I can overlook that (massive) thing because she seems like such a lovely person and her blog is bloomin' amazing!

So Montse had the idea of a beauty bucket list which I love! Basically we're going to list the ten beauty related things we want to do before we die! My one isn't strict so no hate, I mean I doubt I'll do all of this but hey, you never know! Be sure to check out Mons post!

BVE - Beauty Bucket List!

  1. I would love a Boob job! I would and I've really considered it in the past, I just feel my girls aren't as happy looking as they could be! (Sorry if that's TMI but after a child has been 'at' them they kind of lose their oomph!).
  2. I'd love to have a beauty room! You know when you see those YouTubers do a makeup collection video and it's drawers and drawers of lipstick that you know you'll never use - that's what I'd like! I mean if no one likes me at least I'll be surrounded by makeup and makeup never judges!
  3. I quite fancy getting my eyebrows tattooed on! Now before you think - what, eww - I'd like normal eyebrow shaped eyebrows not a single scary black line or anything. If any of you know the YouTuber Shaannxo - she just got hers done and that's what I'd like. (I would probably chicken out of this just incase I did end up with clown eyebrow (comment down below if you know what I mean).
  4. Eyelash Extensions! My eyelashes are naturally long but there's just not enough of them!
  5. Haha here's one that I would love to happen - I'd love to own every single MAC lipstick! Pretty sure a lot of you reading this would like this too!
  6. I'd really like to go back to my natural hair colour which is Mousey Brown/Blonde.
  7. But on the other hand I'd love to go crazy with my hair colour! Blue, Pink, Purple, Green, whatever colour/s I felt like!
  8. I'd love to get a break again. I had a brace for almost three years I think so they were all straight and beautiful - but - I never wore my retainer! There's a little lesson for you there kids, always wear your retainer! So there's just a few slightly squint that I'd like fixed.
  9. I'd like to have all the Makeup brushes! All of them (but then I'd like to be able to pay someone to wash them all).
  10. I would like to perfect a makeup look that I was so happy with so I could do my own makeup on my wedding day! I don't know why I'd like to do this but I just would. 
So there's my Beauty Bucket List - Like I said I'm not living my life to try and complete this and the only one I think I could do was number 10, but thanks for reading my post!

Do you have a beauty bucket list? If so, what's on it?!

'Till next time ...

Interview a Blogger, Shae Barry | Blog Series

Hello Again,

Welcome back to my Interview a Blogger blog series, where I have a different blogger each Saturday answer the same questions so we can get to know more about them as a person and more about their blog! Today we have the beautiful Shae from Diary of a Beauty Padawan, let's get to know more about her!

1. Tell us something about yourself and your blog.

Well hello, hello! My name is Shae, I live in Melbourne, Australia and I write for Diary of a Beauty Padawan. As the name suggests, my blog is primarily about my adventures in the realm of beauty -- but I hope to expand further into lifestyle throughout 2016! (Which means, of course, I'm now actually going to need a life.) My style of writing is in-depth but personable. I love detail, so I try to deliver as much as possible so that my readers know the nitty gritty of a particular product, as if they were right there looking at it with me! When it comes to myself, I consider myself to be pretty friendly and easy-going. I can sometimes be shy to initiate conversation, usually because I'm trying to think of something cool to say, but once I get going I'm a regular Little Miss Chatterbox! I'm a cat-lover and a lipstick-hoarder -- is there much else to say? XD

2. How did you get into blogging? Did someone else inspire you?

The whole journey of my foray into blogging is kinda long -- and while I love telling stories, here I'll keep it as short as possible. I was looking for a makeup tutorial on a character from a particular movie, and found a beauty blogger who had done a different look on the same character. We got chatting and became really good friends -- I was completely clueless about makeup too, so she was my go-to girl -- and so the idea of starting my own blog came about because of her.

What actually made me open up my laptop and go, "Right, this is happening today!" was the most disgusting bowl of pad Thai I'd ever eaten. It was as salty as the Pacific, and I hated it so much that I felt compelled to write about how terrible it was -- so Diary of a Beauty Padawan was born but, oddly, the post on pad Thai was never written.

3. What does blogging mean to you, and why?

For me, blogging is personal -- it's all about sharing knowledge and connecting with people. The actual proper blogging aspect about sharing a passion that you have on a particular topic, whether it's beauty, fashion, food, books -- hell, you could probably dedicate a blog to ferrets and there would be people who'd read it -- but there's also so much more to it than that.

When we write a post, how many of us put our heart into it, give it the best we can? I like to think that the majority of bloggers do, whether they it's a full-time job or a hobby. All of us share a piece of ourselves with each other, and the greatest part is that there are other who know exactly how we feel! I love how blogging means that we can connect with others that have similar interests; it's a beautiful thing, especially when we live in a globalised world where people still feel alone.

4. I personally have almost stopped blogging, so what keeps you motivated?

Look, I'd be lying if I said there weren't moments last year where I was just so busy with uni that I thought about going on an official hiatus for a few months -- and, really, the word "hiatus" doesn't sound so bad, but it would've been equivalent to closing down my blog for good.

The reason why I keep going, when I already have so much on my plate, is to prove to myself that I cankeep going. I have half-written posts, half-planned ideas and so, so many photos that I've invested so much time in, I feel like I owe it to myself to keep pushing on. I also have an "open" colour-coded calendar that I created myself, where I have all of my future and potential posts plotted out, and that can help with the motivation as well. Rather than a thousand ideas in my head, everything is set out so that I can tackle one post at a time -- it breaks big tasks into smaller, more achievable goals, and it makes the process far less daunting.

5. Name some (one, two or three) of your favourite bloggers, and tell us why they're your favourite.

Okay, this is easy like Sunday morning.

1. Danielle, "Confessions of a Beauty School Dropout" || Remember my go-to girl for makeup who inspired me to blog? This is her. Not only are we really good friends, but her content is great and I love the makeup looks that she's created in the past. Whenever I have a questions about beauty or blogging, she's still the girl that I run my ideas or questions by. I think she's crazy talented!

2. Emma, "Peace Love Vintage" || Emma is another beauty blogger that I've come to know well too. I always find her content refreshing to read -- I actually find that I take some fashion inspiration from her, and I'm not really into fashion posts -- and have you seen her header? Daaayum, it's good! Emma's blog just has this quality that I can't quite put my finger on; whenever I start to feel a little blog-weary, I can go to hers and feel immediately refreshed. There aren't many blogs that can do that for me, I can tell you.

3. Iqra, "The Blushing Giraffe" || I honestly can't remember how I discovered Iqra's blog -- I don't think it was through Twitter (which is how I discover most blogs), because I realised much later that I didn't follow her on Twitter. Either way, it doesn't matter, because now I do follow her on Twitter and I think she is an incredible human being. She has an amazingly kind personality, and even though I really look up to her, I find her easy to chat to! The content on her blog itself is succinct, on point and just well-written all round.

6. What do you do when you're not blogging?

Too many things, Sarah, too many things.

I'm currently completing a Masters degree in Teaching, which is a full-time accelerated course -- basically, they take two years worth of content and try (notice try) to cram it into eighteen months. It has been a whirlwind and a nightmare, all at the same time; I don't think I can count the number of breakdowns I have had because of it -- luckily I love the shit out of teaching or it wouldn't be worth it! Then, that aside, I work part-time and I babysit full-time as well -- it is a hectic life, y'know what I mean?

My main passion, however, is genealogy. Family history research, family tree building, contextualising what I discover -- I love it all. I know I said that I love teaching (and I do -- especially as I'll be teaching History!), but it's my third choice of career (I was doing archaeology previously, but that's a story for another time); genealogy would be the thing that I would do if I knew that I could make a sustainable living doing it. I got hooked on it when I was 13 and, ten years later, I think I'm pretty good.

Then, that aside, I'm doing all kinds of weird random things -- watching TV shows or reading, mostly, or playing video games. I'm a Pokémon Master in my house and I have a reputation to uphold!

7. What are you most proud of when it comes to your blog?

I think, for me, it's the fact that I have sustained my blog for this long, and that I have a kind of vague trajectory planned out for it. In some ways, I think that it is one of the best representations of myself that I can put out there. I know what my blog is, I know where I want it to go and I know vaguely how I plan to get it there -- and it all comes down to patience with a touch of realism, I think. I know exactly what will be achievable in the next six months, what will be achievable in the six following, and what is essentially what I like to call "A 2017 Thing".

Wow, is this really the shortest answer?

8. Everyone has a favourite and least favourite post: what are yours?

I feel that I could easily classify favourite and least favourite posts as the ones that I like to read and ones that I avoid -- but I feel like it does the term 'favourite' an injustice. For example, take the fact that I don't normally have an interest in fashion posts -- does this mean that fashion posts are my least favourite? Not really, because I don't look at a fashion post on my Bloglovin' feed and go, "Aw HELL nah!" I look at it and go, "Oh that's a cute outfit. Makes me wish I wasn't wearing pyjamas for the second day in a row." and move on.

I can be quite pedantic over semantics at times.

My favourite posts are ones that are well-written, grammatically correct and have an air of personality about them. These are the kind of qualities that can be applied to all sorts of posts: beauty, fashion, lifestyle, fandom, food, books -- the list goes on. Yes, maybe I do usually hit "Skip" on fashion or DIY posts -- after all, I have the fashion sense of an apricot and the crafting finesse of Sharknado -- but there are many bloggers I follow whose posts I will read regardless of their topic, simply because I love the pizzazz of their personality!

My least favourite posts are ones that are very poorly written. The writer's spelling and grammar might be all over the place, making the post difficult to understand, or -- and this happens sometimes with beauty reviews -- they might be generic and non-specific. I'm not interested in posts that go, "Oh just look at this eye shadow palette! Such versatility! Much range! So swatchy! Beautiful on all who adorn it! They last forever!" when I have the same palette and know that while the metallics are awesome, the matte shades are super chalky and blend away easily. Give me details, ladies! Give me photos of those supposedly beautiful swatches! I want to feel like I'm sitting down with you and discussing the ins and outs of this product over a cup of coffee. You don't have to talk forever (which is what I clearly do) but I want to feel like some effort has been put into it.

9. As I'm mainly a beauty blogger, I feel that I have to ask at least one beauty question, so: if you could only use one kind of beauty product, what would it be and why?

Prepare yourself for the shortest answer ever: mascara. I feel like mascara is the glue that holds a look together -- it's the one thing on me that would look good on me even if I wore no other makeup.

And if you're curious: my Holy Grain mascara is Too Faced's Better Than Sex. DEM LASHES.

10. What would you say to someone who aspires to become a blogger?

I have three bits of advice that I'd give to anyone thinking about starting their own blog:

1) Don't be intimidated by what other blogs are doing -- do things at your own pace.

Don't feel like you have to post every day or twice a week. If you want to start out with one post a week, do that. Don't think that you need to have the flashiest design from the get go -- if your writing is good, the readers will come. Don't think that you need the best camera or fancy editing software immediately. I started with my phone camera and edited my photos with Paint (WITH PAINT, I TELL YOU!) -- actually, not gonna lie, I still use Paint. Sorry not sorry.

Of course, if you do want to post every day, have a chic design, use a camera worth $5mil and buy every piece of editing software under the sun right from Day 1 -- go for it! What matters is that you're blogging at a pace that you are comfortable with -- and more importantly, one that you can keep up. Ain't nobody wants you to feel like blogging is a chore!

2) Proofread before you publish.

If grammar wasn't your strong suit in school, take the time to re-read your post just before you hit "Publish". Read it aloud to yourself. You'll be more likely to pick up on mistakes -- basically, if it doesn't sound right, then something might be wrong. If you know someone who's a whiz at it and you're comfortable with showing them your content, ask them to proofread it for you (and perhaps have a bribe on hand as well).

3) Don't worry about the numbers.

It is so easy to get caught up in numbers, it's crazy. When you see blogs start the same week as yours and within three months somehow have hundreds of followers, and you're sitting there praying to stay in double digits... It can be disheartening, absolutely. After all, chances are that you put in just as much effort or that you care about your blog just as much -- why can't you be the one asking for cheeky follows to see if you can get to 900 by the end of the month?

Believe me, none of it matters. What matters is the reason why you blog in the first place, what matters is that blogging brings you joy -- the numbers are just a small extra that makes a great thing that little bit better, like salt on a grilled cheese.

I'd like to say a massive thank you to Shae for taking part in my blog series!!

Come back next Saturday to see what blogger is next.

Go Ape Tree Top Adventure Review

Hello Again,

Today's post is a different one - it's a review on the Go Ape Tree Top Adventure at Crathes Castle! First of all I'd like to say a massive thank you to Lesley and the Team at The Big Partnership for this amazing opportunity and for the ace team at Go Ape Crathes Castle. What is Go Ape I hear you ask, well, Go Ape is the UK's number one forest adventure! The classic go ape experience is a two - three hour adventure going through the different stages of the course and releasing 
your inner Tarzan while taking in the great scenery!

There are 29 locations all around the UK and there's three in Scotland and no tree top adventure is the same all set in some of Britains most spectacular forests. It's also great to do in any weather, just as we were started it began to rain but we didn't get wet as we were under the trees and it definitely didn't put us off!! The only thing I would say before you Go Ape is make sure you're wearing clothes that you don't mind getting muddy as we got MUDDY! But we were all in clothes that we didn't care about so it wasn't a problem - to be honest with you I landed every zip wire backwards and got covered in mud and bark but it was great (just like when you were a kid and splashed in muddy puddles - it felt just like that).

Here I am looking glamorous as ever in my Harness!

At the Crathes Castle site we were all harnessed in then we were taken over to the safety brief area by our instructor Matt and he showed us how to attached properly to the course and how to do it safely - with the number one rule being ' Always stay attached'. After we passed our little safety brief we were let loose into the woods and this is where my fear kicked in (I didn't actually know I had a fear of heights until I was how ever many feet up in the air). So at the start of each stage you are greeted by a rope ladder that you climb up to start the course (this was one of the scariest parts of me but I have no idea why I was scared - if anything was to happen - like it did, let's save that for later, you're always attached so you're never going to fall). The first stage we had to walk over a wooden bridge then do our first Tarzan jump into the net - this was the part that after everyone did it - they weren't (that) scared anymore. 

Here's my little Tribe. (Left to Right) Sam, Rebekah and Tom all eager to get started.

Stage 1, Rebekah just getting ready to do her first Tarzan Jump! (It doesn't look that high but trust me, it was!!)

High in the trees! Here we have Rebekah and Tom making their way over to the Skateboard Zip line.

To that story, I was going up the ladder at stage three and just froze, I could not move! I wanted to but I just couldn't so I sat out stage three but Sam and his brother and sister carried on and had an absolute blast. It's a really good experience for over coming your fear of heights and its exhilarating.
After I took a breather, I wanted to finish the course and I'm so glad I did because I just accepted that if anything was to happen that I'd be perfectly safe and guess what? We all did it and loved it!! At the Crathes Castle site they have the unique Skateboard Zip Line - this is where you zip line down while standing on a skateboard! This was so cool and the part that I think we were all looking forward to the most. My favourite part was the very last zip line which was the longest (I was going to film myself going down it but I was terrified that I'd drop my camera) I just felt so proud for finished and I just leapt off the platform and enjoyed flying through the air!

Rebekah and Tom just finished the course, like I said - be prepared to get Muddy!

Go Ape is all about having having fun, getting out and being adventurous! So if you are looking for something different and something to push you out of your comfort zone you should definitely Go Ape! I've never done anything like it before and now that I have I feel like I could do it all over again and more! 1 down - 28 to go!

Here we all are after finishing the course! Our Go Ape Tribe!

Thanks again to The Big Partnership and to the team at Crathes Castle for a great day out! If you'd like some more information just have a read here.

Here's some footage that I took of our day at Go Ape, Crathes Castle

Thanks for reading my post, have you ever went Ape?

'Till next time ...

Product of the week | In Collaboration with Hannahheartss

Hello Again,

Today's post is my Product of the week which goes alongside Hannahhearts, we have these posts on the 15th of each month and we hope you've been liking them! Hannah is a lovely girl and since starting BlogsVlogsEtc she's been such a great help and she's always answering my tech questions - so thank you Hannah! 

My Product of the week (well actually about two weeks) is the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish! Before getting this I had seen it everywhere, it seemed like everyone and their dog had tried this so when I saw that you could buy it in Boots I knew I just had to get it (well Sam bought it for me, thanks love).  Please don't throw things at your screen - but, I don't really have a skincare routine!! I know, I know, but it's just never been something I've invested in but I have been the errors in my ways and I'm trying to fix it, so I thought that this product was a good thing to start with.

I got this starter kit from boots as it actually worked out cheaper than buying everything separate (I got all of this for £15.50 and buying the bottle itself is £14.00). So inside this case I got the Cleanse and Polish, two Muslin Cloths and a little card on how to use the product.  The cloths are super soft and the cleanser itself has such a nice, fresh scent. You are to use this morning and night (it's important to use it both morning and night because I started to get lazy and just used it at night but I found it wasn't working as well as it had been) and all you do is take one or two pumps and massage it into your face and neck. Once you've done that take your cloth and hold it under hot water (not scolding though) and just take a different part of the cloth to clean each part of your face. Doing this morning and night has honestly improved my skin, I've had less break outs and less dry skin around my nose!

So if you are looking for a new cleanser or just an addition to your skincare routine then I highly recommend this! I can see this being the headliner of my 'soon to be' routine!

Thanks for reading this post and make sure you go and read all about Hannah's Product of the week!

'Till next time ...

March Glossy Box | Unboxing

Hello there, come here often?

It's that time of the month again where my monthly GlossyBox arrives though my door. I was initially quite disappointed with this months but then it's only one product that I feel is a bit inadequate but I'll touch on that later. If you don't know what a GlossyBox is then I'll give you a brief intro to it, it's a Subscription box service and there's different packages, I have the monthly subscription which is £10 + PP which is really good value for money seeing as nearly every product inside is £10 there or there abouts. You get 5 products that range from makeup to haircare to accessories! If you'd like to find out more just click this link!

Right, onto this months box! We actually got six products in this months box because they have put the shampoo and conditioner together - so that's a bonus! This months box is all about 'Get Glowing'. This is really good seeing as winter is on it's way and spring is creeping round the corner, so I'm in need of some products that are going to help me look fresh! 

There first thing that stood out to me was this beautiful brush from Luxie Beauty! It's their Rose Gold Large Angled Face Brush which is only £10.42 - I love makeup brushes and this one is going to be a great addition because I've been looking for a brush to specifically use for my highlight and this fits the brief! 'This angled brush is specially cut to hug the curves and contours of your face, making it perfect for all your contouring, highlighting and strobing needs!'

Next up is two travel sized products from -417 and its the Catharsis Vitamin Mineral Shampoo and Conditioner. Now I've never heard of this brand before and I've never delved into fancy or expensive products for my hair (I'm an Alberto Balsam girl) but I'm looking forward to giving these a try! You can get them full size for £16.89 each here. 'The combination of Dead sea moisture balancing minerals, energising vitamins and essential oils in this duo ensure your hair is left super gleaming, hydrated and lustrous.'

Next up is the product that disappoints me, it's the Olay Regenerist Luminous Skin Tone Perfecting Cream. The only reason this disappoints me is because of the size of it, it's a travel-mini product. I don't think you can really give a product a fair try if there's not much of it. This is to help discolouration and dark spots on the skin so if you have a lot of areas like that then this isn't going to last long at all! 'Working to fade the looks of discolouration and dark spots, this clever cream goes above and beyond evening out your skin tone. How? It hydrates, exfoliates and smoothes the skin to leave you with a healthy, glowing complexion.' 

Next up is the 'Hey Honey' Good Morning Honey Silk Facial Serum. I have to say that this smells amazing, I popped it onto the back of my hand about ten minutes ago to see the consistency and it still smells great! You're to apply this daily, by itself or under your day or night cream. It's also great for using under makeup as it provides a smooth and glossy appearance to your skin. This is a travel sized product but you can get it full sized here for £28.81. 'Infused with honey and propolis (two of nature's most potent antiseptic and antibacterial ingredients made by bees), this light and luxurious serum replenishes and protects the skin leaving you with a glowing completion day after day'.

Last up is this little beauty from Collection and it's their Speedy Highlighter stick in the shade 01 Pearl Sheen. Now I already own this and I've been loving it recently as it creates such a nice healthy glow to the face. I apply it on the tops of my cheek bones, brow bone and my cupids bow and it keeps my face looking youthful and fresh. This is also only £3.99 which is such a bargain for such a great product. I'm so glad to have another one as a back up! 'This crayon delivers makeup artist-worthy results in a few simple swipes. Simply glide across the tops of your cheekbones, brow bones and above the cupid's bow and gently blend using your fingertips or your Luxie Brush'.

Thanks for reading my post on March's GlossyBox, have you tried any of these products before? If so let me know your thoughts!

'Till next time ...