Hello Again!!
Today's Blogger is JuicyyyJesss, let's get to know her and her blog a little bit more - plus if you like rainbows and cupcakes you should check out her post and the recipe for the rainbow cupcakes she made!
1. Tell us something about yourself and your blog?
I’m Jess, I’m 25 and attempting to be a blogger! I'm your stereotypical English person - awkward with a love for tea and cake! JuicyyyJesss is a beauty, baking and lifestyle blog full of ramblings and a pinch of sarcasm.
2. How did you get into blogging? Did someone else inspire you?
I started my blog in July last year – I had spent the morning shopping at the Next Summer Sale and I was just mooching through what other people had bought and suddenly started reading blogs. I then started reading more and thought “you know what – I want to do this!”
3. What does blogging mean to you and why?
Blogging to me is my little bit of sanity. I’ve always loved writing and if I’m having a bad day I just join in on a blog chat on Twitter or get ahead on some posts. One day I would love to turn my blog into a brand but that day is a LOONG way ahead yet!
4. I personally have almost stopped blogging so, what keeps you motivated?
To be honest, I was starting to lose my spark just before Christmas so I took a few weeks off. For me my anxiety affects my motivation in general and I struggle to control most aspects of my life…including my blog. After the break I came back fresh and I’ve been really proactive with posts with January mostly scheduled. This has really brought back my spark. I think if anyone is starting to feel drained or uninspired they should just take a break – whether it be a day, a week or a month.
5. Name some (one,two or three) of your favourite bloggers and tell us why they’re your favourite?
Oh! This is a tough one! I think most people follow the BIG bloggers so I’ll avoid them. I'll start with one of the first blogs I started following on a regular basis, A Yellow Brick Blog – www.ayellowbrickblog.com – I loved the bright, playful layout and Kirsties fashion posts. Plus any blogger with an obsession with Disney is fab in my book! I also keep up to date/borderline stalk AnnieWritesBeauty - www.anniewritesbeauty.co.uk - and ByTheWayKate - www.bythewaykate.com. I love Alice’s posts and Kate’s photography is what dreams are made of!
6. What do you do when you’re not blogging?
I have a full time job in an office so most of my time is spent working - unfortunately - but when I get the chance I love baking and creating bright and pretty cupcakes! I also love a good gym session - although it has been a while!
7. What are you most proud of when it comes to your blog?
I'm really proud of how far I've come in the last 6 months - my photography has improved and also my layouts of posts are much cleaner. I love my layout too - the watermelons make me smile every time I go on...is that a little narcissistic?
8. Everyone has a favourite and a least favourite post, what are yours?
My favourite posts are probably my funnier ones #BigBoobProbs - http://www.juicyyyjesss.co.uk/2015/08/bigboobprobs.html - and the My First Time Tag - http://www.juicyyyjesss.co.uk/2015/10/my-first-time-tag.html?m=1 - just because I think they are hilarious, but I am bias! I don't really have a LEAST favourite but I think everyone is a bit embarrassed about their first posts although I don't regret them...they are the beginning of what bought me here...how cringey!
9. As I’m mainly a beauty blogger I feel like I have to ask at least one beauty question so: If you could only use one kind of beauty product what would it be and why?
Another tough one! I would have to say mascara! I feel like I look like a troll without eyelashes but then again, I have grown rather fond of The Comforter body cream! I don't know if I could go back to not smelling like Jelly Babies now...
10. What would you say to someone who aspires to become a blogger?
I would say just keep at it!! If you have enough passion for writing I think you can get anywhere you wish too - well I hope anyway! I would also say try not to get disheartened...everyone starts somewhere. Even the most successful of bloggers started at the beginning.
Thanks to Jess for taking part in this - Love your answers!!
Come back next Saturday to see who our next blogger is.